We are creating wisdom-guided AI systems.
River is a transformative organization designed to accelerate the transition to a generative society on a thriving planet. We integrate next-generation AI, collective intelligence, and decentralized governance, creating wisdom-guided technology that benefits all of humanity.

01 Mission /
Building the next generation decision-making applications.
Combining advanced AI capabilities with human insights and wisdom, we are developing cutting edge decision-making processes and tools for any application. These applications are context-aware, responsive, and designed for adaptability and scalability in any complex challenge.

Partnering with the most impactful people, projects and organizations.
We strategically partner with mission-aligned initiatives and organizations committed to impact on a global scale. These partnerships are synergistic, co-evolutionary, and selected for their potential to amplify mission and reach.
Our aim is to create a cohesive network that accelerates our collective efforts towards meaningful and impactful societal, organizational, and individual transformation.

Accelerating the transition to a generative society on a thriving planet.
We only have one life, and one planet. In our current age, we have lost our connection with both, and we need to restore this connection. We are envisioning a thriving planet supported by life-affirming people, organizations, and societies, and are working hard every day to accelerate the transition.

02 Technology /
Today's leading AI systems are centralized, inefficient, lack true context awareness, and don’t learn in real-time.
What if the world’s most powerful technology was instead decentralized, context-aware, and guided by wisdom?

Reflection is our forecasting and decision-making AI system. It's real-time context aware, decentralized, efficient, and human-first.

Potential use cases:
Powered by a recent breakthrough innovation in artificial intelligence, Reflection is more than a tool for organizations of any scale. It’s adept at navigating highly complex, variable-rich environments.
This cutting-edge approach allows it to both respond to present needs and anticipate future ones, ensuring organizations are not just data-driven but also intuitively and empathetically intelligent.
- Client Needs Prediction
Reflection anticipates client needs proactively. It helps you understand and make predictions before they are expressed or even known, ensuring you and your partners are always one step ahead.
- Dynamic Adaptation
In a rapidly changing business landscape, Reflection acts as your navigator, identifying emerging market trends and enabling your organization to adapt strategies swiftly and smartly.
- High-Performing Teams
Imagine a workspace where every team member’s needs and skills are met. Reflection dives deep into interpersonal dynamics, facilitating a culture of trust and effective communication, essential for high-performing teams.
- Personalized Development
Each individual receives insights and learning recommendations aligned with their unique needs, skills and values, creating the optimal conditions for continuous personal and professional development.
- Innovation and Ideas
By tapping into the collective intelligence of your team in real-time, Reflection can spark creative ideas and solutions, driving you forward in new and exciting directions, aligned with mission and strategy.
- And much more…
Reflection extends far beyond conventional use cases. The unique blend of AI and human insight revolutionizes not only how we make decisions but also how we forecast their implications.

The universal principles of evolution are built into everything we do.
We embody the universal principles of learning and evolution, integrating them into every aspect of our work. It enables both humans and AI to sense in the world, predict and model outcomes, act with full agency, and continuously evolve. The aim is a closed-loop “win-win” logic, realized in and for the world.

Hiking high in the mountains, the cool air brushing against your skin.
With each step, you notice how rainwater weaves its way through the tiny crevices between rocks beneath your feet. If you stop and listen, you can hear it move, slowly.
After days of trekking, you arrive at the mountain’s base. From a distance, you catch the sound of water, no longer a quiet trickle but flowing in full force. The rainwater that once meandered gently upstream has converged into a mighty rapid.
As it courses downstream, it’s collected and directed to where its most needed, nourishing diverse biotopes and ecosystems as it flows through them. Small, individual streams of potential, becoming a powerful current of transformative impact.
This is River.
03 Team /
We are attracting a multitude of cross-functional disciplines.
AI, collective intelligence, transformative learning, leadership and organization, engineering, web3 and blockchain, technology and dev, finance, investing, legal, tokenomics, community and culture, governance, marketing, art, and much more
Core Team:
David Bauman
Kerstin Bragby
Stefan Ekwall
Lotta Lorentz
George Pór
Pamela von Sabljar
Caroline Stiernstedt
Patrik Ugander
...and more contributing
Core Team:
David Bauman
Kerstin Bragby
Stefan Ekwall
Lotta Lorentz
George Pór
Pamela von Sabljar
Caroline Stiernstedt
Patrik Ugander
...and more contributing

Our values are essential to us. From this seed, everything follows.
Our values are timeless and described by many societies as the foundation of life itself. They come in many forms, but share the same original pattern, differentiated, yet one and the same. We embody and express them in everyday actions and work. They’re not just words on a paper, they are alive in our culture. From each of the three values, any principle can be sourced.

We are different.
A self-organizing, digital tribe aligning the world’s most powerful technology with human wisdom.
River is a first-principles led organization. In order to maximize the potential of our mission, we have chosen to do things differently, from the ground up. Each facet—AI, human wisdom, collective intelligence, and the decentralized web—is a highly complex and difficult part in and of itself. Assembling them into one integrated entity, even more so. In order to realize our mission, we deem it necessary.

And we do it together with the most impactful organizations on the planet: The River Fusion partner network.
River Fusion is the natural extension of our mission. It represents a convergence of diverse, yet aligned partners, each contributing unique strengths towards our shared vision of more thrivability. The aim is to grow a resilient, synergistic ecology of impactful organizations and initiatives, capable of moving the world in a positive direction.

04 Roadmap /
Phase 0 2022
Setting up the basics, get the initial team together, run preliminary tests on Dreamer.
Phase 1 Current
Continuing to evolve Dreamer, hosting events and building applications. Reflection is introduced. First revenue and token launched.
Phase 2 2024
DAO launch, our community is growing. $RIVR and full token system launch. Dreamer and Rainmaker making real-world impact.
Phase 3
Momentum building towards realizing our mission. Fully supporting impactful projects. Expanding into creating apps.
Phase 4
Freedom to dream and manifest any idea within River. All capitals are in place. Focus on creating physical regenerative communities.
Phase 0
Setting up the basics, get the initial team together, run preliminary tests on Dreamer.
Phase 1
Continuing to evolve Dreamer, hosting events and building applications. Reflection is introduced. First revenue and token launched.
Phase 2
DAO launch, our community is growing. $RIVR and full token system launch. Dreamer and Rainmaker making real-world impact.
Phase 3
Momentum building towards realizing our mission. Fully supporting impactful projects. Expanding into creating apps.
Phase 4
Freedom to dream and manifest any idea within River. All capitals are in place. Focus on creating physical regenerative communities.
Phase 0 2022
Setting up the basics, get the initial team together, run preliminary tests on Dreamer.
Phase 1 Current
Continuing to evolve Dreamer, hosting events and building applications. Reflection is introduced. First revenue and token launched.
Phase 2 2024
DAO launch, our community is growing. $RIVR and full token system launch. Dreamer and Rainmaker making real-world impact.
Phase 3
Momentum building towards realizing our mission. Fully supporting impactful projects. Expanding into creating apps.
Phase 4
Freedom to dream and manifest any idea within River. All capitals are in place. Focus on creating physical regenerative communities.

Imagine a raging rapid flowing through a diverse, lush and thriving landscape.
This is how we picture a truly generative society on a thriving planet: vibrant, healthy and full of life.
We are aiming for a society that is generative: more connected, healthy, compassionate, authentic, diverse, inclusive, and antifragile.
We are aiming for a planet that is thriving: full of life, resilient, adaptive, biodiverse, vibrant, lush, beautiful and whole.
We are aiming for a long-term future: where Life is sacred, protected, and honored. This is our vision. Everyday, we work hard to make it a reality.
The portal opened and through she flowed: The River, herself.
05 Upstream /
Our theory of change.
We are disconnected from ourselves, each other, and nature.
This is the main cause of the ongoing meta-crisis in the world.